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I installed ubuntu and use with wifi hotspot. The problem is that despite having a 1 Gb connection, the maximum speed with the lan is 80 mb in download and 120 in upload. And as a hotspot it only bounces 30 mb in download . Usually the pc cable, always with Ubuntu, goes to 900 mb in download and 200 in up.Drivers failed?

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The internet speeds available to you are largely dependent on where you live. According to Ookla, the global median download speed for fixed broadband is roughly 60 Mbps download and 25 Mbps upload. In the U.S., the median is about 135 Mbps down and 20 Mbps up.

The internet speeds available to you are largely dependent on where you live. According to Ookla, the global median download speed for fixed broadband is roughly 60 Mbps download and 25 Mbps upload. In the U.S., the median is about 135 Mbps down and 20 Mbps up.\n"}},"@type":"Question","name":"How Fast Is a Good WiFi Speed?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"You\u2019ll always lose out on some bandwidth with a WiFi network as opposed to a wired connection. How much depends on a multitude of factors like your hardware, signal interference and even the materials your house is made out of.\n","@type":"Question","name":"Is 100 Mbps Fast Internet?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, for the vast majority of people, a 100 Mbps connection will feel very fast and have more than enough bandwidth.\n"]}What Is a Good Internet Speed for General Use?A good internet speed depends almost entirely on what you intend to use it for. In general, a high internet speed is most useful for video calls or meetings, streaming video, gaming online, live streaming and downloading large files. If we over-simplify things, most users with just one or two devices will experience anything over 50 megabits per second (Mbps for short) as fast.

For the vast majority of users, download speed will be the most important, as most people receive far more data than they send. However, for things like live streaming, online gaming and video calls, upload speeds are also crucial.

Lawyers can download a copy of their personalized invoice by logging into the member portal. Personalized invoices will include a unique invoice number and, where applicable additional charges for fast track cards, locker, and law corporation renewals. To remit payment of a personalized invoice, see accepted Law Society payment methods.

Analytics Extensions Settings Methods Add analytics extension connection to site Adds an analytics extensions connection for an external service to a site. Delete analytics extension connection from site Deletes a specific analytics extension connection for an external service from a site. Enable or disable analytics extensions on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud Enables or disables analytics extensions on a server. Get analytics extension details Get the details of a specified analytics extension connection to an external service. Get current analytics extension for workbook Gets basic details, including connection type and name, of the analytics extension connection to an external service that the specified workbook is currently using. Get enabled state of analytics extensions on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud Gets the enabled/disabled state of analytics extensions on a server. Get enabled state of analytics extensions on site Gets the enabled/disabled state of analytics extensions on a site. List analytics extension connections of workbook Lists basic details of each analytics extension connection available for a specified workbook, including connection type and name. List analytics extension connections on site Lists a site's analytics extension connections for external services. Remove current analytics extension connection for workbook Remove the currently used analytics extension connection to an external service from the specified workbook. Update analytics extension connection of site Updates the details of specified analytics extension connection for an external service to a site. Update analytics extension for workbook Updates the analytics extension connection to external service currently used by a workbook. Update enabled state of analytics extensions on site Enables or disables analytics extensions on a site. Ask Data Lens Methods Create ask data lens Create an ask data lens. Delete ask data lens Delete an ask data lens. Get ask data lens Get the details of the specified ask data lens. Import ask data lens Import an existing ask data lens on a server to a site, and optionally transform the metadata of the lens in the process. List ask data lenses in site Returns a list of ask data lenses in a site. Authentication Methods Revoke Administrator Personal Access Tokens - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Revokes all personal access tokens(Link opens in a new window) (PATs) created by server administrators. Sign In Signs you in as a user on the specified site on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. Sign Out Signs you out of the current session. Switch Site - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Switches you onto another site without having to provide a user name and password again. Connected App Methods Create Connected App Create a connected app. Create Connected App Secret Generate a secret for a connected app. Delete Connected App Permanently remove a connected app. Delete Connected App Secret Permanently remove a secret associated with a connected app. Delete EAS - This method is not available for Tableau Server. Delete a registered external authorization server (EAS). Get Connected App Query a connected app by its ID. Get Connected App Secret Query a connected app secret and the token value using the connected app's ID. List All Registered EAS - This method is not available for Tableau Server. Query all external authorization servers (EASs) registered to a site. List Connected Apps Query all connected apps configured on a site. List Registered EAS - This method is not available for Tableau Server. Query an external authorization server (EAS) registered to a site. Register EAS - This method is not available for Tableau Server. Register an external authorization server (EAS) to a site. Update Connected App Update a connected app. Update EAS - This method is not available for Tableau Server. Update a registered external authorization server (EAS). Content Exploration Methods Get batch content usage statistics - Not available for Tableau Server Gets usage statistics for multiple content items. Get usage statistics for content item - Not available for Tableau Server Gets the usage statistics for a Tableau content item, specified by LUID and content type, such as workbook, datasource, or flow.. Get content search results Searches across all supported content types for objects relevant to the search expression specified in the querystring of the request URI. Get content suggestions Returns a specified number of suggestions for auto-completion of userinput as they type. Dashboard Extensions Settings Methods Allow dashboard extension on site Adds a dashboard extension to the safe list of the site you are signed into. Block dashboard extension on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud Adds a dashboard extension to the block list of a server. Disallow dashboard extension on site Deletes a specific dashboard extension from the safe list of the site you are signed into. Get allowed dashboard extension on site Gets the details of a specific dashboard extension on the safe list of the site you are signed into. Get blocked dashboard extension on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud Gets the details of a specific dashboard extension on the blocked list of a server. List allowed dashboard extensions on site Lists the dashboard extensions on the safe list of the site you are signed into. List blocked dashboard extensions on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud Lists the dashboard extensions on the blocked list of a server. List dashboard extension settings of site Lists the dashboard extension settings of the site you are signed into. List settings for dashboard extensions on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud Lists the dashboard extension settings of a server. Unblock dashboard extension on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud Deletes a specific extension from the block list of a server. Update dashboard extension settings of site Updates the settings for dashboard extensions for the site you are signed into. Update dashboard extensions settings of server - Not available for Tableau Cloud Updates the settings for dashboard extensions of a server Update settings for allowed dashboard extension on site Updates the settings of a specific dashboard extension in the safe list of the site you are signed into. Data Sources Methods Add Tags to Data Source Adds one or more tags to the specified data source. Delete Data Source Deletes the specified data source from a site. Delete Tag from Data Source Deletes a tag from the specified data source. Download Data Source Downloads a data source in .tdsx format. Download Data Source Revision Downloads a specific version of a data source prior to the current one in .tdsx format. Get Data Source Revisions Returns a list of revision information (history) for the specified data source. Publish Data Source Publishes a data source on the specified site, or appends data to an existing data source. Query Data Source Returns information about the specified data source. Query Data Source Connections Returns a list of data connections for the specified data source. Query Data Sources Returns a list of published data sources on the specified site, with optional parameters for specifying the paging of large results.To get a list of data sources embedded in a workbook, use the Query Workbook Connections method. Remove Data Source Revision Removes a specific version of a data source from the specified site. Update Data in Hyper Connection Incrementally updates data (insert, update, upsert, replace and delete) in a published data source from alive-to-Hyper connection, where the data source has multiple connections. Update Data in Hyper Data Source Incrementally updates data (insert, update, upsert, replace and delete) in a published data source from alive-to-Hyper connection, where the data source has a single connection. Update Data Source Updates the owner, project or certification status of the specified data source. Update Data Source Connection Updates the server address, port, username, or password for the specified data source connection. Update Data Source Now Runs an extract refresh on the specified data source. Extract and Encryption Methods Create an Extract for a Data Source Create an extract for a data source in a site. Create Extracts for Embedded Data Sources in a Workbook Create extracts for all embedded data sources of a workbook. Decrypt Extracts in a Site Extract encryption at rest is a data security feature that allows you to encrypt .hyper extracts while they are stored on Tableau Server. Delete Extract Refresh Task Deletes an extract refresh task. Delete Extracts of Embedded Data Sources from a Workbook Delete all extracts of embedded data sources in a workbook. Delete the Extract from a Data Source Delete the extract of a data source in a site. Encrypt Extracts in a Site Extract encryption at rest is a data security feature that allows you to encrypt .hyper extracts while they are stored on Tableau Server. Reencrypt Extracts in a Site Extract encryption at rest is a data security feature that allows you to encrypt .hyper extracts while they are stored on Tableau Server. Favorites Methods Add Data Source to Favorites Adds the specified data source to the user's favorites. Add Flow to Favorites Adds the specified flow to the user's favorites. Add Metric to Favorites Adds the specified metric to the user's favorites. Add Project to Favorites Adds the specified project to a user's favorites. Add View to Favorites Adds the specified view to a user's favorites. Add Workbook to Favorites Adds the specified workbook to a user's favorites. Delete Data Source from Favorites Deletes the specified data source from the user's favorites. Delete Flow from Favorites Deletes the specified flow from the user's favorites. Delete Project from Favorites Deletes the specified project from the user's favorites. Delete View from Favorites Deletes the specified view from user's favorites. Delete Workbook from Favorites Deletes a workbook from a user's favorites. Get Favorites for User Returns a list of favorite projects, data sources, views, workbooks, and flows for a user. Organize Favorites Move an item to organize a user's favorites. Flow Methods Add Flow Permissions Adds permissions to the specified flow for a Tableau Server user or group. Add Flow Task to Schedule Adds a task to run a flow to an existing schedule. Cancel Flow Run Cancels a flow run that is in progress. Delete Flow Deletes a flow. Delete Flow Permission Deletes the specified permission from the specified flow for a group or user. Download Flow Downloads a flow in .tfl or .tflx format. Get Flow Run Gets a flow run. Get Flow Run Task Returns information about the specified flow run task. Get Flow Run Tasks Returns a list of scheduled flow tasks for the site. Get Flow Runs Get flow runs. Get Linked Task - Available only with a Data Management license. Returns information about a specific linked task. Get Linked Tasks - Available only with a Data Management license. Returns a list of scheduled linked tasks for a site. Publish Flow Publishes a flow on the specified site. Query Flow Returns information about the specified flow, including information about the project, owner, and output steps. Query Flow Connections Returns a list of data connections for the specific flow. Query Flow Permissions Returns a list of permissions for the specific flow. Query Flows for a Site Returns the flows on a site. Query Flows for User Returns the flows that the specified user owns in addition to those that the user has Read (view) permissions for. Run Flow Now Runs the specified flow. Run Flow Task Runs the specified flow run task. Run Linked Task Now - Available only with a Data Management license. Runs the specified linked task. Update Flow Updates the owner, project, of the specified flow. Update Flow Connection Updates the server address, port, username, or password for the specified flow connection. Identity Pools Methods Add User to Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Add a user to a specified identity pool. Configure Identity Store - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Configure an identity store to provision users. Create Authentication Configuration - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Create an instance of OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication. Create Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Create an identity pool. Delete Authentication Configuration - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Delete an authentication instance. Delete Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Delete an identity pool. Delete Identity Store - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Delete an identity store. Get Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Get information about an identity pool. List Authentication Configurations - Not available for Tableau Cloud. List information about all authentication instances. List Identity Pools - Not available for Tableau Cloud. List all identity pools. List Identity Stores - Not available for Tableau Cloud. List information about all identity store instances used to provision users. Update Authentication Configuration - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Update an authentication instance. Update Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud. Update information about an identity pool. Jobs, Tasks, and Schedules Methods Add Data Source to Schedule Adds a task to refresh a data source to an existing schedule. Add Workbook to Schedule Adds a task to refresh or accelerate a workbook to an existing schedule. Cancel Job Cancels a job specified by job ID. Create Schedule Creates a new schedule on Tableau Server. Delete Data Acceleration Task Deletes a data acceleration task. Delete Extract Refresh Task Deletes an extract refresh task. Delete Schedule Deletes the specified schedule. Get Data Acceleration Tasks in a Site Returns a list of data acceleration tasks for the site. Get Extract Refresh Task Returns information about the specified extract refresh task. Get Extract Refresh Tasks in a Schedule Returns a list of the extract refresh tasks for a specified schedule on the specified site. Get Extract Refresh Tasks in a Site Returns a list of extract refresh tasks for the site. Get Schedule Returns detailed information about the specified schedule. Query Job Returns status information about an asynchronous process that is tracked using a job. Query Jobs Returns a list of active jobs on the specified site. Query Schedules Returns a list of flows, extract and subscription schedules. Run Extract Refresh Task Runs the specified extract refresh task. Update Schedule Modifies settings for the specified schedule, including the name, priority, and frequency details. Metadata Methods Add (or Update) Quality Warning Trigger - Available only with a Data Management license. Create or update one or more quality warning triggers to monitor and display alerts for the following events: refresh failures on extract data sources and flow run failures on flows. Add Data Quality Warning - Available only with a Data Management license. Create and apply a data quality warning to a database, table, column, published data source, flow, virtual connection, or virtual connection table. Add Database Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. Add permissions to a database asset. Add Default Database Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. Adds default permission capabilities to a user or group for table resources in that database. Add Table Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. Add permissions to a table asset. Add Tags to Column Add one or more tags to a column. Add Tags to Database Add one or more tags to a database. Add Tags to Table Add one or more tags to a table. Batch Add or Update Data Quality Certifications - Available only with a Data Management license. Create or update one or more data quality certifications for different content and asset items. Batch Add or Update Data Quality Warnings - Available only with a Data Management license. Add or update multiple data quality warnings (DQWs) for different content and asset items. Batch Add Tags - Available only with a Data Management license. Add multiple tags to items that are different content and asset types. Batch Delete Data Quality Warnings - Available only with a Data Management license. Permanently remove multiple data quality warning (DQW) items from different content and asset types. Batch Delete Tags - Available only with a Data Management license. Delete multiple tags from items that are different content and asset types. Delete Data Quality Certification by ID - Available only with a Data Management license. Permanently remove a data quality certification from a content or asset item using the data quality certification ID. Delete Data Quality Certifications by Content - Available only with a Data Management license. Permanently remove all data q


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