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What Designer Bag Should I Buy High Quality

Choosing your first designer bag is exciting! The first thing you'll need to figure out is your budget. Once that is determined, then you can start really inspecting the bag for quality. Today we will discuss different designer bags based on your budget, what to look for in a bag.

what designer bag should i buy

If you found this article, then Congrats on buying your first designer bag. I can distinctly remember the first designer handbag I added to my collection. The excitement of going to the store, trying on different bags, and finally bringing that bag home.

There are so many designer handbags if your budget is under 1k. In fact, when I started writing this article, I ended up splitting it into two articles because I found 10 incredible designer handbags under 1k. I highly recommend you check out that article.

I highly recommend the Strathberry Tote Bag as your first designer handbag. This bag is perfect for someone who is looking for a structured bag that is chic, timeless, and has both a top handle and a cross-body strap.

The LongChamp nylon Bag is such an easy bag to style and wear. If you are looking for a more casual type designer bag, then this bag is perfect for you. I would opt for the Longchamp nylon bag with the long strap, that way you can wear it as a shoulder bag. One of my favorite features about this bag is how light it is.

I love small bags being popular, because that means a bag that Gucci carries is on the list for first designer bags under $1,000. The Gucci Mini Bag Dionysus is a great bag is you are looking for a big designer name but at a more affordable price. I love how easy this bag is to transition from a day to night bag.

Many designer handbags fall into the budget of $1-3k. There are 3 bags that I recommend if you fall within this category: Celine Belt Bag / Celine Luggage Bag, the YSL Lou Lou Bag, or the LV Neverfull Bag.

No list would be complete without a Saint Laurent LouLou bag. If you are looking for a bag is so effortless to style and will help elevate even the simplest of outfits, then I recommend the LouLou bag. I absolutely adore this bag and believe it would make for a great first designer handbag. The LouLou bag comes in different sizes to fit your personal style. Price: $1750-$3200 depending on size and material

The LV Neverfull tote was my first designer bag I added to my collection. I still love this bag to this day, and I definitely recommend it. It's a high quality, timeless tote bag that will last for years. If you are looking for a tote bag that is easy to wear and easy to style, then the LV Neverfull tote is a great option!

In short, if your budget is over $3,000 for your first designer bag, I recommend a Classic Chanel Bag in Caviar, a Hermes Birkin bag or Hermes Kelly bag, or a Lady Dior bag. These are all timeless pieces that really hold their value.

The most important thing to look for when you are buying a designer handbag is quality. I always tell people if you invest in high quality handbags, and take care of them, they will last a number of years.

I love buying secondhand designer bags because it is sustainable, gives a new life to the bag, many times they are in great condition, and sometimes (not always) you can get the designer bag for a discounted price.

The most popular brand across our selection is Chanel and the Lilac Mini Flap in particular. People are willing to invest in a classic black designer bag but fancy renting something more statement and colorful,\" says Tina Lipfriend, founder of BagButler.

As well as Chanel, Dior is also one of the most popular designers when it comes to borrowing a bag. The other piece that customers absolutely love is the Lady Dior. The black Saddlebag tends to appeal to a younger audience (fashion students) whereas the lady Dior tends to be rented by professionals,\" adds Lipfriend.

Yes and no. The most exclusive luxury designer handbags and labels, like Hermés and Louis Vuitton, never go on sale. To grab yourself a cheap Louis Vuitton bag or equivalent, it's often a case of buying them secondhand from a reputable reseller (but be warned: they hold their resale value, so you won't save much).

However, many of the other luxury labels do tend to have seasonal discounts on their best designer bags. And some brands have sample sales or even have designer outlets, such as the Mulberry factory shop, where you can save hundreds of dollars/pounds.

The first thing to think about when buying a designer bag is what style of bag would be best for you and your lifestyle. If you spend your days commuting to an office and don't tend to frequent many evening events, then a tote bag, backpack or shoulder bag is likely to suit you best. Or if your days are spent out and about zipping from one place to the other, then a roomy crossbody bag could be your best option, as it allows you to travel around hands-free. When trying to select the best designer bag for you, try and think about the rest of your wardrobe when making your purchase as you'll want to pick a color and style that goes with the rest of your closet.

The best designer bags to invest in are something you'll never regret buying. While each season ushers in new trends, the best designer bags remain wearable and timeless for years to come. And if you're looking for a designer bag that holds its value, then this is the place to start.

Considered an investment buy over an impulse purchase, the best designer bags can set you back thousands, so doing your research is always a good idea. The handbag trends 2023, have ushered in new trending styles, and although some of these will reach cult classic status, if you're looking for a timeless buy that will retain its value at resell, there are some labels that you can always rely on. From the best Chanel bags to the best Gucci bags - we're looking at you Marmont - unless you're buying to later sell, your designer bag purchase will largely be down to aesthetics and occasion.

This edit of the best designer bags is packed full of beautiful, solid investment pieces that won't go out of style. A mixture of new hero pieces that have excited style experts and style staples that have remained some of the most sought after pieces, these designer bags are ones that will stand the test of time and are synonymous with luxury and sartorial elegance. They are bags you can wear year in year out, and many are seasonless too, allowing you to have a better cost per wear potential.

While we have not rigorously tested each bag, our selection of the best designer bags does take into account the most popular styles from leading and well regarded accessory and fashion brands. Furthermore we have spoken to fashion editors who own a number of the bags in the list to get their honest opinion on their purchases.

When selecting the best designer bags we're focused on pieces that utilize high quality fabrications and hardware as well as taking into account the designer brand's reputation and the styles longevity and notoriety.

If you're debating whether to invest in a designer bag or not, it's important to remember that designer bag prices, particularly of classic styles tend to go up every season, meaning that the most staple of designer bags naturally increase in price and value year on year. As we are now in 2023, we expect to see some bags increase in price, and have already begun to see slight up tick in costs on some of the best designer bags. This means you'll want to invest in the best designer bags sooner rather than later, but the good news is that the constant increase in price year on year will help your original purchase hold its value.

This bag made its debut last year to much fanfare and this re-worked silhouette shows no sign of slowing down and all the hallmarks of becoming a future classic, making it a designer bag to invest in. Available in eight different colorways, from seasonless neutrals to trend-led yellow, we can see this becoming a bag that will hold its value in years to come.

British clothing brand, Mulberry creates high quality, leather brands, made in England at its factory in Somerset. The iconic Bayswater was launched in 2003 and since then has become one of the brand's best selling and most loved designs. One of the best designer tote bags, the silhouette itself has been tweaked and altered over the years but it has always remained a chic and stylish, classic, everyday bag that will polish off any outfit. A cross between a satchel and a tote, this bag has a naturally smart finish and comes in numerous colors and finishes reflecting the fashion color trends 2023.

Available in 13 colorways, tan is a great investment thanks to its neutral, go-with-everything hue and a color that works all year through and . With a width of 36cm, it's just over 14 inches, meaning it will fit a small laptop or tablet, alongside other daily essential - making it ideal as part of your work outfits. With a secure postman's lock, a signature design of the brand, it also has two slip pockets, a main compartment and an inner zipped pocket too. The four base feet will stop the bottom from getting too worn or scratched. A shoulder bag design, this isn't one for those who demand a totally hands-free finish, but it is one of the most practical and hardwearing designer bags around.

One of the best Spanish clothing brands, Loewe might not be the traditional brand you think of when considering the best designer bags, but they are one of the most innovative labels on the market, garnering quite a cult following amongst fashion fans.

More affordable than many of the best designer bag brands, if you're looking for one of the best luxury bags to start your collection, this now classic design is under the $650 / 500 mark, making it one worth considering.

With a top grab handle and a shoulder strap, this bag has a highly elegant finish, particularly in black leather and will of course be wearable with almost anything. While the micro version (which starts from just over $2,000 / 1,950) makes for a great evening piece, the larger design (from $4,000 / 3,250) is a smart bag for everyday, although we'd understand if you'd want to keep it for special occasions. 041b061a72


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